Monday, April 12, 2010

Words of my heart

I will never feel regret
To meet you
To loving u
To accept your feeling

You are the one that i love
You've captured my heart
And touched my soul

you are the one
That stepped out of my dreams
Gave me new hope
Showed me what love means

You came into my life
And made me complete
Each time I see you
My heart skips a beat

darling, please hold my hands
and never let me go
i need you still by my side

i dont want to lose you
and i wont give up on you

when you describe your love to me into a word
u make me really lost my mind
im so crazy about you

i never doubt your felling from the first time you said "i love u"
im so glad knowing that im the one in your heart

I wanna tell you, you mean all the world to me
How I’m certain that our love was meant to be
You changed my life
you make me a better person


you said im the one in your heart
you said you want me so bad
you said your happines is to be with me..

i know you love me
i know you care about me
i know u need me

when you dump her,you proof your love to me
i trust you 110%
i feel a new hope in my life

you're the one who change me
you're the one that gave me a strength to fight
i dare to fight all this problem because of u
because u said "i will wait for u"

i do belive in you, finaly i decide to choose u
i know, i need u and i want u..
again, i fight for u..

when i'm at my limit to fight, i call u coz i need your support
all i need just heared you said you love me
then my power will charge full again, and i will back to fight
"wait me, and see me honey.."

but, u ruins my heart with all my dreams with u
all my hope has gone..
my power is off, i dont have any power to fight for my happiness again
im sory i can't run to you anymore..

i surrender my self to this fucking condition
i following this game now
i dont blame u
u decide to choose her

i love u so much, i love u MORE than u love me
i want to understand u
i want u to be happy
do whatever that you think the best for u

dont ever doubt about my love to u
i never regret for all things that happend between us
loving u its a beautiful things

thank you for your love
thank you for your passion
thank you for make me smile
thank you for remainds me the meaning of love
thank you for everythings

since u leave me
im crying every night
every second, im always thinking of u
i dont know how i can get u out from my mind

u hurt me so bad with your words
u hurt me till i dont have any power to raise
why dont u tell me from the first time?
why did u do this to me?

u begging me not to leave u
u begging me sooo bad...
u said we can do this together

u try so hard
to make me belive in you
to make me choose u

u said i'm weak
and u're very disappointed with me
but the truth, u are the one who dont have any strength
to fight this with me
im very disappointed with u!

i wish i can hate u
i wish i can hit u
i wish i can forget u
but i can't

i can not hate u
because i love u...

at this time, no one can change u in my heart
i know your heart not with me anymore

honey, i must be blind
my heart is really in pain
my heart is bleeding, it hurt so bad
but i dont know why
why i still love u

every time i see u, u gave me more pain and love too
i really wanna die when i face this feeling
i close my eyes, i pray for u
"God, i love him.. hope she can give him love much more than i love him.."

my heart still love u
my heart still miss u
my heart still need u
and i still hoping that our dream can be true someday
honey, i will be right here waitting for you

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